Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Examination Of My Screenplay...

So now that I'm getting along with the actual WRITING of my screenplay, I'm looking for tips and hints to get all the good stuff I want to make known to the audience within a shortened time frame of 30 minutes. I just read an interesting blog: This little seven lesson tutorial has given me a lot to think about. Up until that point, I had pretty much decided to make a very ordinary script, with nothing really INNOVATIVE. Frankly, as this our first venture into making any kind of movie, I was basically more concerned with the LOOK of the movie. As our budget is next to nothing, I was afraid that the more intricate the story, the more special effects and gimmicks I would have to provide. Then I read and remembered the first Psycho. Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate sauce swirling down the drain, nothing bank-breaking, yet that is one of the most famous scenes in horror history! Now, my screenplay is still just in the baby stages, so it is a perfect time to get brainstorming to see how much innovation I can pack into this baby! Wish me luck!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Short Horror Film Script

I am by no means a professional Hollywood screenwriter. In fact, the script I'm working on right now is my first screenplay ever. I'm more of a short story writer. The problem with a short, obviously, is there just isn't very much time to develop characters. Our aim with our movie is 30 minutes. Now, without just getting right down to the action, we have only a few minutes with which to introduce characters, give a back story, get the action, climax, and end the film. I'm not going to give away what the script is about specifically, but I will say its a slasher type movie taking place during a camping trip. I'd love to hear from others who have written amateur horror movies and specifically shorts to see how the character development problem is addressed. Also, anyone else with ideas of how to develop characters quickly. Shorts, to me, are a "bite sized" movie, yet I do want a complete movie, not just another hack and slash waste. I’m using a character to narrate the history of the villain through a campfire tale, which I think is the most logical vehicle, but again, 30 minutes cuts down on the amount of time I can show setting up camp and all that jazz. So, any cool and unique ideas?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Begin at the beginning...

Hello! This particular blog is intended for amateur horror film makers to brag about their movies, introduce themselves, explain techniques, and just about what ever else comes to mind when thinking about the world of amateur horror films! I want to hear about your experiences with make up, monsters, buckets of blood, bad acting, and more! Also, I will be telling of my own humble experiences, as a few foolish friends and I endeavor to make OUR first horror short! So, let us begin at the beginning...and scare the hell out of them all!