Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Examination Of My Screenplay...

So now that I'm getting along with the actual WRITING of my screenplay, I'm looking for tips and hints to get all the good stuff I want to make known to the audience within a shortened time frame of 30 minutes. I just read an interesting blog: This little seven lesson tutorial has given me a lot to think about. Up until that point, I had pretty much decided to make a very ordinary script, with nothing really INNOVATIVE. Frankly, as this our first venture into making any kind of movie, I was basically more concerned with the LOOK of the movie. As our budget is next to nothing, I was afraid that the more intricate the story, the more special effects and gimmicks I would have to provide. Then I read and remembered the first Psycho. Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate sauce swirling down the drain, nothing bank-breaking, yet that is one of the most famous scenes in horror history! Now, my screenplay is still just in the baby stages, so it is a perfect time to get brainstorming to see how much innovation I can pack into this baby! Wish me luck!

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